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Hop Madness - Aug 28-29th PDF Print E-mail
News - Latest News
Written by Mark Emiley   
Friday, 20 August 2010 14:06

Hop Madness will be held this year and pre-registration is up and running. If you pre-register you can get your tickets for a discounted rate of $7 per person or $12 per household. Tickets are available for purchase at the day of the event $10 per person / $15 per household, just look for the registration table to buy and pick up your wristband. There is also a $3.00 day use fee per car paid to the park for those not camping overnight, which is separate from the Hop Madness fee so car pooling is encouraged.

What is Hop Madness?

Hop Madness 2010 is a celebration of hops and their role in beer. Home brewers come from all over the country to enjoy all that hops can offer. From brewing hop harvest ales to touring hop farms in active harvest, home brewers can revel in all of the madness that is Hops!

When, Where, and How?

The Hop Madness festival will be held on August 28th & 29th from noon to noon at the Willamette Mission State Park just north of Salem. We will be camping at the Lake B camp area. See above link for directions and a trip planner or Wheatland Rd., 8 miles N of Salem or take I-5 Exit 263 and follow the signs.


  • Hop Harvest Brewing: Fresh hops and water provided, bring your own brewing equipment.
  • Hop Tour: A tour of active Hop Harvest at a local farm. (Starts at 2:30pm)
  • Hop Olympics: The Hop Olympics make a return this year.
  • Homebrew Contest: Best Damn Hoppy Commercially Doctored Beer in the Pacific North-West contest.
  • Overnight camping: Bring a tent and cover just in case it rains (it is Oregon after all).

For more information, please check out the Hop madness website at

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