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Advanced Judging Clinic PDF Print E-mail
WAHA Projects - Judging
Written by Mark Emiley   
Wednesday, 03 November 2010 19:19

Judging Clinic Video Recordings:

Session 1: Overview, Aged Hop Influence

Session 2: Judging Technique and Scoresheet Discussion

Session 3: Sour and Off-Flavor Tasting

Session 4: Metallic tastes andWrap-up

Advanced Judge Training is an advanced judge training tailored for the serious beer judges.  Flavors, both off and ingredient will be explored in styles that are presented in homebrew competitions, not just light beer.  It is an all day event in Seattle, WA on 12/4/10 starting at 9:00 AM sharp!  Location is Big Al’s upstairs room.  Subjects will taught by Ted Hausotter Grand Master beer judge from Baker City, OR and Phil Farrell Grand Master beer judge from Georgia. 

Subjects for the training will include the following

  1. Hops, old stored well in a bale versus fresh hops, how do the flavors vary?  How do you describe the flavors?  Do the flavors transfer into the beer?
  2. Metallic off flavors in different beer styles
  3. Dortmunder Export, how do they compare to other styles, history and description
  4. Sour sources, compare lactic and acetic in the same beers at different strengths and in a more favorable style.  Some beers with Bret will also be available.  How does it compare to astringent a similar mouth feel?
  5. Master level score sheets, what should you look for and what do they look like
  6. Scoring beer, just because you found a flaw, how do you really score it?

The training is limited to the first 30 judges that sign up.  Cost is $30 per person till November 20.  After that the price is $40 per person.  Walk-ins will not be accepted.  Preference will be given to BJCP judges that actively judge.  For out of town judges, Seatac Airport is the closest location to fly to.  Big Al’s is less than an hour from the airport.  This will be a BJCP continuing education training.

Ted Hausotter

Mtn/Northwest BJCP Rep

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Note - The GEBL AHA COC judging is also on Dec 4th.  If you live near the Everett area we strongly encourage you to participate in this judging.

Last Updated on Sunday, 16 January 2011 19:21
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