News Flash

If you missed Jess Caudill's (from Wyeast) talk on "bugs" as our Educational Speaker you can download the audio here.

Whether you are just getting started brewing or have been brewing for decades, there is always something new to learn.  Check in here for articles and information to get you brewing better.

New to brewing?  For a basic overview of the entire homebrewing process, check this page.

If you are just getting started brewing here are a few comments:

Joy of HomebrewingYour local homebrew supply store should be able to help you get all of the equipment and information you need to get started.  Find the nearest store to you and head over there today!

One of the best ways to learn to homebrew is to brew with someone who already knows how.  Also, once you have brewed, you may want help with evaluating your beer to make it better for the next batch.  You can find people willing to help be a "brew mentor" on this site!  First, get registered on the website.  Then go to the "WAHA Membership" section of the User Menu.  From there you can see a list of all of your fellow WAHA homebrewers.  Towards the right side at the top of the Membership List is a drop-down menu that will initially say "Membership."  If you select "Mentor" you can find a list of people willing to help you learn to brew (either extract or all-grain, depending on their profile).  You will initially see the city that they live in so you can find someone close to you.  Similarly, if you want to find someone who would be willing to try your beer and give you feedback, you can pick "Evaluate" from the drop-down menu.  Once you find a person close to you, simply click on their profile to bring up more of their details.  You can send them a message by moving over the "Messages" bar and clicking  "Send E-Mail."

Possibly the best resource, your local homebrew club has years of experience that can help you get started brewing great beer quickly.  Find a club near you and head out to a meeting.

One of the best two-page instructions on the brewing process can be found here.  It keeps it simple but very effective. 

Charlie Papazian's book "The Complete Joy of Homebrewing" is held as many people's entry way into homebrewing.  It presents a pratical approach to homebrewing. 

John Palmer, author of "How to Brew", has published his first edition of his book at  It is a great way to cover the whole process in a little more detail. How to Brew

homebrewing_video.jpgIf you want to see a local Washington homebrewer give a video demonstration of how to brew, check out these brewing videos.  They will take you through the entire brewing process from getting your water ready to drinking your beer.  You'll get an overview of the required equipment, ingredients, and detailed steps to make a great first batch of beer.  This is just one way to brew - there are many - but this will get you started.  There are more videos on the site for different styles of beer as well.

The Washington Homebrewers Association strongly encourages membership in the American Homebrewers Association.  This organization helps further our hobby on a national level and has the same goals and ideals that we do.


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